women should be always well made up for the whole day. But being well made up does not mean having excesses. In fact, the key to good daytime makeup is simplicity and lightness.
The eyes are critical to the success of the entire makeup, but there should always be a balance and the relationship between the prominence of the mouth and eyes.
So you can vary according to your type of skin, style , activity or event that you attend I will show you 6 models of eye makeup for the day.
Eyes make up to go to work
The work routine, regardless of the activity or profession you have, is always requiring that you be with good aspect and give the feeling of freshness.
There is trades or professions in which you inevitably have to be in contact with him public, and for this, companies have their protocol in this regard. For this reason, it would be convenient that if they do not communicate it to you, consult it so as not to make mistakes. I show you here two makeup models for your work routine.
Natural makeup
The key of a Natural makeup and that it lasts a long time uniform the color and texture of the skin with concealers and foundation. In this way, your favorable traits will be able to stand out, placing specific emphasis on the eyes. natural makeup gives light and to highlight this we must put an illuminator on the line below the eyebrow, we complete with very soft and matte shadows, no pencil eyeliner and if a very soft outlined with shadow and of course an excellent one two-layer mascara. Accompany this extremely natural makeup with just a lip gloss.
Makeup for Executives
Your role in the company probably asks you presence and firmness in your activities and negotiations. For this you can reinforce the eye makeup for the natural day with a strong lipstick.
If you don’t know which lipstick color to choose, then read “7 tricks to choose the perfect lipstick”
Eye makeup for the day to go to the university
In all areas of your life you must be perfectly made up for the occasion.
The university is a place where you interact with many people, peers and teachers, among others. For this you must be totally comfortable and not stand out too much since it is in the place that one shows his ability to learn and know.
With only concealer, foundation and mascara you will be splendid You can accompany with a peach or soft pink lipstick and you will look very fresh
makeup for job interview
Going to a heavily made-up job interview is a serious mistake. You must go as natural as possible and you should not call attention to it with any type of outfit or accessory.
some eyes made up in a soft and delicate pin up style It can be useful for a job interview.
makeup for a afternoon with friends
If you are going to meet your friends at have a tea or go shopping, this option of eyes makeup it may be the ideal one for you.
Do you like makeup tricks!? then read “5 tricks to show off big eyes”
makeup for after office
Once your workday is over, you are in the threshold between day and night. For this reason we recommend abrown smokey eyes or brown smokey , which is much shallower and shokling than black, so you can enjoy relaxing with friends before going home.