Are you one of those who search and search for the solution to make their small eyes look big and luminous?

You are not alone in this world of aesthetics, there are many of us who have dived in a thousand places and consulted beauty experts on how to make eyes look bigger.

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - agrandar ojo pequeno

For this reason, in this post we are going to give you the 6 makeup tips with which you will show off your little eyes very well.

Of course, these general tips should be adapted according to the color of your skin and the shape of your eyes. But in general it works.

Tip 1- Outline the eyebrows

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - 09282165a0e74c10da64bcfb912c5929 e1490109005938If you have bushy eyebrows or not so much, always try to give them the shape and width that suits your look. Neat and naturally made-up eyebrows will set the stage for you to start enjoying a fabulous and wide look and will help your eyes look bigger.

Tip 2- A good concealer for dark circles is the key

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - ojeras z

Especially if you have eyelid pigmentation different from the rest of the skin. Use correct liquid or if you have a cream and you don’t want to buy a liquid one, moisten the brush or sponge with which you are going to place the concealer on the eyelid with water.

Tip 3 – Illuminate the mobile eyelid

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - como maquillar los ojos pequenos aplicar sombra 600x399

Do you want to learn how to make up for the day? then click “6 eye makeup models for the day”

The mobile eyelid is one of the protagonists when it comes to enlarging the look. To achieve bigger eyes you have to, as we already said, apply concealer over the entire eye and then a makeup base to unify with the rest of the face. And on the mobile eyelid, you should apply nude, beige or very light and soft shades. That will give you an effect of greater volume and width.

Tip 4- Give three-dimensional effect to the eyes

To achieve this effect you must use at least two shadow tones.

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - maquillaje0

You already used a light tone for the mobile eyelid, now you should outline the outer corners with a darker tone, which can be brown or chocolate during the day and black at night.

Tip 5- Never outline the water line of the lower eyelid.

This definitely reduces the size of the eye.

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - como maquillar unos ojos peque%C3%B1os hundidos e1490113163602

If you decide to outline, you have to outline the upper eyelid from the middle outward, with a thin line and always in a natural way, blending with a brush, not with rigid lines, because that will give hardness and coldness to the look.

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - como maquillar ojos pequenos lapiz de ojos blanco 600x646

A great trick is to outline the water line but with a white eyeliner. This will make your eyes look bigger.

Tip 6- Arched eyelashes and well made up.

Makeup for LITTLE EYES: 6 tips to look great - renacer ajust 3 0Eyelashes well marked and with a mascara that lengthens them and turns them as curved as possible so that they do not shade the eye. Opening the lashes and clearing the eyeball will make your eyes look huge!


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