This time we want to talk to you about the Makeup Bag, these are essential elements for all women in the world and some guys will even know how useful they are. we will tell you how should you choose your toiletry bag, but also what you have to take if you go on a trip and the best thing is that you can find fabulous prices and designs at the best prices.

How to choose a makeup bag

Surely, you may think that it is nonsense, but we assure you that it is not. A good makeup bag is the key when traveling, storing our cosmetics, even our maybelline makeup, keep our tools in orderand this means that it will make our lives much easier.

Make-up bag with flowers

The main problem when buying a makeup bag is that we buy it without thinking about the size or space that we really need and we find that we do not have enough space to save our perfume, our toothbrush or any other item we need.

Do you want to buy a quality toiletry bag at discounted prices? Visit our store!

A good makeup bag must meet some requirements, although it is true that having space is very important, but it is also that it is well distributed, the separation of the products is of vital importance. When choosing your toiletry bag, you should be aware that it has compartments, for example: You must have one for the toothbrush, another to store the standing pots and a space that takes care of our brushes.

Elegant black makeup bag

We must pay attention to the details of our makeup bag, it must have an integrated mirror that can be used to put on makeup at any time, but also be versatile enough to wax, it must also have a specific and perfect space for brushes, preferably it should have a small compartment to store sponges, cotton balls or swabs.

A very important point that your toiletry bag must have is that it has a space for personal hygiene products, it must have small plastic jars, where you can store your shampoo and conditioner, right there you should store the wet wipes or any other element that you consider important.

How to prepare your makeup bag to go on a trip

Once you have bought the perfect toiletry bag for all your needs, we must begin to prepare it for the time of your trip, you may think that this is a simple process, but it really is not and we will help you to choose only the perfect products for you.

Make-up bag For the suitcase

1-. Personal hygiene

All your personal hygiene products should be in your toiletry bag, so when you go to the bathroom you can have everything at hand and you should not be going through your travel suitcase like crazy to find what you need. Personal hygiene products are essential in a toiletry bag, you must have a hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb, tissues, wet towels, shampoo and gel for your face.

Make-up bag Practical and beautiful

2-. Make-up

These are the most important seconds, the hypoallergenic makeup, those suitable for your skin type, but among them you should have a foundation, a concealer, blush, bronzer, lipstick, lipstick, mascara, eyelash comb and some basic shadows. You should also include a sunscreen, a moisturizer and makeup remover wipes.

pink makeup bag

3-. Additional features

The brushes should be as basic as possible, try not to take your entire collection because most likely you won’t use all of them but a maximum of 5, so take a combo that is useful for the type of makeup you are going to do. You should also include an eyebrow comb and a tweezer.

Do you want to buy these and other toiletry bag designs? Visit our store!

If your toiletry bag has enough space, it is important that you include some products such as sanitary napkins, some toilet paper, eye drops, medications that you may need such as for a headache, for stomach problems or any allergy.

Rose gold makeup bag

As you can see, a makeup bag can be even more important than any other bag that you can take with you on your trip, make sure that it is comfortable to carry, that it has straps where you can hold it and that the closures are strong and resistant. Us we recommend that it be made of fabric with a strong base, but also easily adapts to any suitcase or bag where we are taking it.

See what the influencers wear in their makeup bag


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