makeup is an art, so there must exist balance fundamentally colors and in relation to your features, hair color and skin. That’s why you must first advise you very well regarding what suits you best according to the occasion and your face. Because if you don’t you can be in the record of the 10 ugliest makeup oh
You never want to look like this, so be careful how you do your makeup!
Excessive eyeliner
When putting on makeup, you always need outline the eyes and the mouth, basically. But nothing should be in excess Because otherwise you will be able to see yourself like these women who have abused eyeliners, some in the eyes, others in the mouth, and even in the eyebrows. Eye! not to abuse the lines on the face!
Learn to put on makeup naturally by clicking on “Casual makeup: 8 key tips”
Miscellaneous Excesses
and when you are exaggerated, obviously you will be in all aspects! Even in makeup! Here the saying “what abounds does not harm” does not apply at all.
I reiterate, balance above all, because otherwise you will look like that!
![10 very ugly makeup: You will never want to look like this! - January 13, 2025 very ugly makeup]()
Movie Eyebrows (Horror)
These makeups wouldn’t look so hideous if they hadn’t been exaggeratedly made up the eyebrows. It is often believed that the wide dark eyebrows they all look good. But make no mistake! They are frightening as you can see in the following image, although it is a beautiful woman, it shows how artificial is the eyeliner and makeup of the eyebrows.
Excess Highlighter
Other serious mistake that is usually committed is to place excess highlighter on the face, especially in the eye area, thus making the face look totally enlightened and unnatural, in addition to unbalancing the factions. Be careful with the highlighter to avoid the raccoon or owl effect, especially if you are going to be exposed to artificial lights where it will stand out much more.
You will never want to see yourself like this!
want to look like your favorite star
You probably have like Idol to a singer or artist, and you admire her so much that you even want to imitate her in her make up. But remember a couple of things: You are neither Lady Gaga nor Amy Winehouse…and second: they create a character for the show, in real life they are as simple and natural as you are.
Look at the most horrible makeup of celebrities in “Horrible celebrity makeup: don’t miss it!”
ADVICE: Be yourself, make up according to your facial features, and try to be as balanced in makeup as in life itself.
Oh! And if you’re not skilled at putting on makeup, ask a professional or your best friend to help you with that task! Luck!